Internal culture
Elevating diversity and inclusion
How are you?
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Elevating diversity and inclusion
The problem:
OhioHealth's associates are guided by core values of Compassion, Excellence, Integrity, Inclusion and Stewardship, and their cardinal value to honor the dignity and worth of each person.
In 2018, the organization accelerated its efforts to make OhioHealth a more diverse and inclusive organization by kicking off education with leadership, and beginning to make many operational changes in recruitment, hiring and supplying.
At the end of the year, our leaders decided to expand the message of diversity and inclusion to all OhioHealth associates by elevating inclusion to a fifth core value. They sought our team's help in doing so. The challenge was that it needed to happen quickly, and at the end of the year while many associates were out of the office for the holidays. They wanted 2019 to begin with a splash.
The solution
In a brainstorm with the Communications team, we came up with a plan. We would prime associates with an email from leadership that could reach them even if they were on the go. That would buy us time to create a more impactful direct mail piece that would be mailed to every associate's home.
We decided we would ask associates to submit stories describing what makes them unique, or experiences that had changed their perspective. This would help demonstrate the diversity of the organization, and keep people talking about it. The stories would be shared on eBoards at our care sites, offices and the intranet. The direct mail piece would start the process, teasing stories from our CEO and diversity and inclusion officer.
My role
Copywriter and strategist. I collaborated with Communications, the Diversity and Inclusion team, Human Resources, leadership and our designers.
I wrote the launch email from our leaders.
I edited copy for subsequent emails from leadership.
I wrote the direct mail piece sent to every associate's home. This later became part of a key messages document I developed for my co-workers and agency partners to use when creating other inclusion tactics. It kept the way we spoke about diversity and inclusion standard across the organization.
I helped write the script for a video from leadership.
I edited the stories solicited from leadership and our associates.
Project highlights
Our work on inclusion was recognized systemwide with an OhioHealth Prism Award in fall 2019.
I also developed key messages and provided brainstorming, writing and editing support for the Inclusion-related projects that followed, including the one-year recap report, a gender-affirming care guide, our associate pledge, and recruitment ads.
In 2020, OhioHealth hosted a virtual event for organizations from across the region that are committed to diversity and inclusion. I interviewed local leaders and drafted scripts from the transcripts our videographer used to create two videos used during the event.
Participating in this work was very enlightening. It further opened my eyes to how we speak and write about others, the impact it has on their experiences and how empathy plays a role in not just life, but the content development process. It's a constant learning curve that requires curiosity and a drive for continuous improvement. My manager and I shared many resources with our department, like those provided through the Associated Press, to ensure we used inclusive language and revised style rules when appropriate.

How are you?
The problem
In 2020, the pandemic highlighted how overburdened and burned-out clinicians are everywhere. OhioHealth clinical well-being evaluations were concerning. The people the public needed most needed care, too. But the stigma of mental health conditions makes many clinicians afraid to seek help.
The solution
OhioHealth decided to accelerate plans to centralize our well-being resources and normalize asking for help. They planned to kick off an internal campaign in fall 2020, with tactics that included a presentation at our companywide leadership event, a manager toolkit, teaser video, emails, podcasts and an internal website.
My role
Copywriter, strategist and advisor.
I came up with a name and key messaging for the campaign that could be used throughout the organization as the strategy unfolded. The messaging spoke to all associates – clinical and nonclinical – in a way that was nonthreatening, conversational and welcoming.
I also wrote our definitions of fulfillment, well-being, culture of well-being, personal resilience and efficiency of practice.
I created the video concept and wrote the script.
I advised the communications team on their strategy.
I proofread the manager toolkit.
My process
I conducted research over the course of two months to see what other organizations were doing. It was important that I come up with a name for the campaign that was not used by other organizations, in case it became an external initiative in the future. I also interviewed several stakeholders to better understand the needs and goals of the project. I spoke with them about their understanding of the problem and how they defined things like fulfillment and resilience.
I presented several concepts to the two deciding committees, and four made the final cut. I drafted messaging to accompany each concept.
How are you?
Safe to say
Reach out
Free to feel
Ultimately, they decided on How are you? This everyday greeting is often said out of habit or in passing. And the typical response is, “good” or “fine.” But our habits often hide our truth: We’re not always ok, and recognizing that is important. At OhioHealth, we could ask this question with more intention to make well-being part of our daily conversations.
Prior to the campaign launch, I met with the communications team to brainstorm and advise on the best methods of announcing the campaign, keeping the momentum going and hosting the content.
The launch of the initiative included a teaser video that directed associates to our intranet page. There, they could find additional videos and podcasts of associates speaking openly about their well-being, along with resources and the 24/7 hotline. I created the video concept, wrote the script and storyboarded it with our internal videographer before handing it off to an external production company.
Note: My original intent was for the video to be shot on a white backdrop, with our videographer and me present to coach the participants. Unfortunately, miscommunication prevented us being there and the final product isn't our exact vision. The script is a near match to what I provided, and the video was well-received.
I've also included the logo, the message concepts, draft messaging, and a draft video storyboard.