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Community partnerships

Strengthening stories

Partners in health

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Strengthening stories

The inspiration for great content comes from everywhere, and the power it yields can transform lives. I had the opportunity to experience this while working with Franklin County Judge Paul Herbert, the founder of CATCH Court, a specialty docket for women survivors of human trafficking.

The problem

The judge was sharing the CATCH Court model with local governments, educators and clinical professionals across the country. His content was moving, but disorganized. The slides he used were verbose, outdated in appearance, and he often ran out of time before finishing his presentation. 

The solution

With help from a designer and a visual media services associate, I created new versions of his presentation. I rewrote his story so that each slide covers one point, to deliver the greatest impact and keep his narrative moving. I gave visual direction to the designer, repurposed most of his images and produced new cuts of his video assets. He now has a version for lengthier engagements and a 20-minute synopsis. 

Project highlights

  • Out of the original slides emerged a compelling story, one I heard reinforced when I had the opportunity to attend a CATCH Court session. The feedback Judge Herbert has received from his speaking engagements has been extremely positive. The new presentation emotionally connects with his audiences, and makes an impression that will hopefully lead to lasting change.

  • Judge Herbert provided expertise for an OhioHealth blog post I wrote about recognizing the signs of human trafficking. He also introduced me to Caroline Palmer, an OhioHealth associate and survivor of human trafficking, and Hannah Estabrook, CATCH Court director and founder of Sanctuary Night in Columbus. I wrote about their experiences for Our People, Our Stories, an internal initiative featuring OhioHealth associates. The article was later shared publicly on the OhioHealth newsroom.

Partners in health

OhioHealth is a founding partner of the Columbus Crew and the professional soccer club's official healthcare provider. The 25-year relationship has created many opportunities to bring OhioHealth's message of health and wellness into communities across central Ohio.

In early 2020, I worked on two interior wallscapes, for opposite sides of the Crew stadium, and a billboard for the exterior. The ask was to deliver an engaging message that connected with fans, promoted good health and reinforced OhioHealth's commitment to Columbus and the surrounding towns. 

The wallscapes were designed to be interactive, encouraging fans to take their photo and share it on social media. The theme celebrated the Crew's recent decision to remain in Columbus, after fans rallied against a potential move.

Strengthening stories
Partners in health
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