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Look what I can do

These projects demonstrate the depth and breadth of my experience. But like all time capsules, this portfolio contains only a few moments. I'll dig up more, if you ask.


Digital products

Your digital presence can make or break your customer's journey and your company's bottom line. I've guided to success the information architecture, design and content strategy for numerous application features, too many webpages to count, learning management systems and portals. 


Email holds a special place in my heart - for its intimacy and instant gratification. I can nerd out on newsletters and will stay up late just to refresh a report. In past positions, I created email marketing plans, set up subscription processes, and wrote and edited tactics that kept the conversation flowing. 


Texting (SMS)

Texting is one of quickest and most effective ways of connecting with customers, or annoying them if you're not careful. In 2021, I co-developed OhioHealth's style rules for text messaging, and provided copy and strategic direction for multiple text reminder campaigns.


Winning business organically is everyone's dream, but strategic paid promotion rarely hurts. Like most great copywriters, I've spun webs with words through traditional and digital advertising to bring customers closer to companies.



From 2017 to 2020, I wrote more than 50 articles for the OhioHealth blog, including three series. I also authored or edited nearly 40 blog posts in 2021 for OhioHealth's COVID-19 Toolkit

OhioHealth values

Internal initiatives

Successful companies know their people are the source of their strength. So fostering fulfillment is a sound business strategy. I was able to help OhioHealth do just that, by creating a more inclusive culture that emphasizes well-being.


I spent nearly six consecutive years planning and producing tactics for in-person and virtual events. The experience is a marriage of stress and satisfaction that's uniquely thrilling. You can spend months planning every moment, but fate will always have the upper hand in the end. And you'll learn something new every time. 

MGO event

Environmental branding

In 2019, I  was asked to write content for the hallways at OhioHealth Grant Medical Center that would express the hospital's history, and OhioHealth's commitment to the community, its associates, and our values. It was part of a larger project to expand our culture and replace outdated signage at hospitals across the system. The project was paused during the COVID-19 pandemic, but the community, history and values walls were finished in late spring 2021.


Community partnerships

Content can do many things, but one of its superpowers is connecting communities. I've had the opportunity through previous roles to partner with people and local organizations to create content that serves the greater good and brings people together in refreshing ways. 

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